Accident Insurance

Ready for the unexpected

What Is Accident Insurance?

Accidents happen. Accident insurance can't change that. It can help you prepare for the unexpected when it does occur, though. At Adroit Health Group, we're committed to making your healthcare decisions just a bit easier. Whether you're struggling with high premiums or want additional peace of mind, our personal accident insurance coverage can help.

If you suffer from a fractured limb or other covered injury, accident insurance pays a one-time, fixed cash benefit directly to you. Many who have limited insurance options benefit from this, but also those with traditional health insurance through their employer.

Traditional insurance covers a multitude of health costs, but only after you reach your deductible. This wasn't always a huge financial burden. Unfortunately, today's deductibles are higher than ever. Companies are turning towards high deductible plans for their employees. This has led to deductibles that are upwards of $5,000, $10,000, or more per year. This covers your family when a major medical emergency happens, but for smaller accidents and injuries, most of the costs come out of pocket.

Accident insurance changes that. It protects your financial health.

With an affordable monthly premium, you can choose from a variety of payout and coverage options. If an accident does occur, you won't have to dip directly into savings. Instead, you'll receive cash directly to cover your expenses.

At Adroit Health Group, we help today's families navigate the increasingly-complex healthcare landscape. Our personal accident insurance is one of our most affordable and useful options, especially for young families.

Our coverage is offered in over 40 states. This page answers some of the most frequently-asked questions about this type of insurance, but our team is always ready to help, too. We know you have many options when it comes to health insurance. We also know it can be confusing to understand.

Our new member representatives are available Monday through Saturday, 7 AM to 6 PM (Central). Customer service for current members is available Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM (Central). They can provide information on how this type of insurance works. They can also give you quotes for your monthly premiums.

Feel free to give us a call at 1 (800) 269-3563 or send us an email with any and all of your questions.

What Does Accident Insurance Cover?

You may have heard of accident insurance called "personal accident insurance" or "accident only insurance." These point to the purpose of this insurance. With accident insurance, you receive benefits directly, only for accidents.

If you're injured, expenses can quickly add up. Because you receive a direct cash benefit, you can cover your most pressing expenses. These may include:

  • Hospital or emergency room visits
  • Medical devices, such as crutches
  • Physical therapy sessions
  • Over-the-counter braces or bandages
  • Copays for specialist appointments

It's not limited to medical costs, though. You can also use this to cover other living expenses, especially if your injury keeps you out of work. Use it for:

  • Monthly mortgage or rent payments
  • Utilities
  • Car or transportation costs
  • Student loan payments
  • Child care or education costs
  • Groceries
  • Daily living expenses
  • Small business costs

This is important because injury rates are rising. According to the National Safety Council, 47.2 million people in the U.S. sought medical attention for nonfatal injuries. That's one in seven people. The total cost for these injuries nationwide was over $457 billion in 2013.

Generally, your accident insurance will provide benefits after the following accidents:

  • Concussions
  • Joint dislocations
  • Lacerations
  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Bone fractures
  • Eye or ear injuries
  • First, second, or third degree burns
  • Dismemberment
  • Accidental death

Typically, this type of insurance doesn't cover dental injuries, self-inflicted injuries, or those due to prior illnesses or pre-existing conditions. Some plans also have age limits.

How Does Personal Accident Insurance Work?

For most people, accident insurance complements other traditional health insurance plans they already have. It bridges the gap between high deductibles and ongoing peace of mind.

Because it's a focused insurance product, monthly premiums are typically low. It's flexible, too. Choose the cash benefit amount you want, as well as what types of accidents it covers, to adjust your monthly premiums. Most plans have immediate coverage, with no enrollment periods.

If you do suffer from an injury, you'll visit your doctor or the emergency room. There are no in- or out-of-network differences between providers. Once diagnosed with a covered accident, you'll file a claim with our accident insurance company.

Cash benefits, of the amount you originally chose, are paid directly to you. You can also elect for a family member to receive the benefit in the case of accidental death. You'll receive your cash benefit fast. This eases the financial burden that can quickly add up after an accident.

Our team at Adroit Health Group can help you review all the factors that influence the cost of personal accident insurance. That way, you can find the most affordable level of protection for you and your family.

Do I Need Accident Insurance?

This is a personal decision that will take into account your unique health profile, current insurance coverage, and more.

Those who may benefit most from this type of product include those who:

  • Engage in high-impact sports or recreational activities
  • Have families with young children or teens
  • Don't have enough in savings to cover high insurance deductibles

Personal accident insurance can also help if you:

  • Are in between jobs or under-employed
  • Are self-employed
  • Recently had a major life event that ended your traditional insurance, such as divorce, lay-off, or graduation
  • Travel frequently out of your traditional insurance's network

Again, you may not be eligible if you're over a certain age. Further, injuries related to a pre-existing illness or condition may not be covered.

Do you need accident insurance if you have health insurance?

Personal accident insurance is meant to complement traditional options, not replace them. They help you cover costs that you'd have to pay out of pocket for otherwise. Instead of paying towards a high deductible, these plans help you prepare for unexpected expenses.

Many of our customers have both—an employer-issued traditional plan along with this flexible insurance product.

Note that these plans are not ACA-compliant. That means you may have to pay penalties on your taxes if you have no other major medical coverage during the year.

What about accident insurance vs. disability insurance?

Disability insurance is another option that many people confuse with accident insurance. They're not the same, though.

The largest difference between the two is in benefits. With accident insurance, you receive a one-time, fixed cash benefit after an accident or injury. Disability insurance, on the other hand, replaces a portion of your salary.

They also differ in what they cover.

Accident insurance provides benefits when you suffer from a fall, accident, or other acute injury. Disability insurance is insurance for your salary. You receive benefits if you're unable to work due to a chronic injury or illness, like chronic pain, heart conditions, or cancer.

You can learn more about our disability insurance options at Adroit Health Group here.

Is Accident Insurance Worth It?

This answer will depend on each person and family, as every situation is different.

Instead of providing traditional insurance, we provide flexible options at Adroit Health Group that you can personalize to your family's own unique situation. For many, accident insurance has real benefits, in terms of peace of mind and financial security. For some, though, it may not be a product they need.

Think of the following questions when considering accident insurance:

  • Are you or your family at greater risk for accidents and injuries?
  • How much money do you have in savings?
  • How much insurance can you afford?
  • What other insurance benefits do you have?
  • How much is your current deductible?
  • How many people depend on your income?
  • Could your family cover an unexpected medical expense?

Healthcare For Today’s Families

After you've thought about these questions, give us a call at Adroit Health Group. It's important to us that you fully understand your options when it comes to accident insurance. Our team members can provide quotes on costs and answer any questions you have. Since this is a flexible product, your costs and benefits will depend on what level of coverage you decide on.

Beyond accident insurance, we also offer individual and family healthcare options in over 40 states. Choose from:

We also offer access to complementary health solutions, like diagnostic blood testing and discount prescription medicine programs.

If you're ready to learn more about your insurance options, give us a call today at 1 (800) 269-3563 or send us an email. Our new member representatives are available by phone Monday through Saturday, 7 AM to 6 PM (Central). Customer service for current members is available Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM (Central).

At Adroit Health Group, we go beyond traditional health insurance. We provide options. No matter what your situation is, we can find a solution that works for you and your family's needs.